Latest News
Bradley Parish Council will be holding their Bi-monthly meetings on the following dates for 2024. They are currently held at St Michaels Church, Great Coates Road and start at 7pm.
5th September 7th November
On September 3rd 2024, our Chairperson had a long meeting with the NELC Transport Officer who is responsible for instigating our new Bus service along Bradley Road, something that our Parish Council Clerk originally suggested and then her and our Chair spent the next almost 2 yrs pursuing the idea. During that afternoons meeting she was given the usage stats for the last 4/5 weeks which were quite encouraging and she was able to request a few additions to the current service with 2 extra bus stops and a few tweeks to the timetable. We are sure there will still be a few more things that need tweeking as we progress but for the moment we think the service is working fairly well.
Further Information
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However if anyone is having difficulty in viewing items on our website please contact us on or by telephone on 07849 194866 and we will do our best to help.
Thank you,
Val Turner.
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